How do I edit the SOAP note template?

Editing the SOAP note print template header and footer

To edit the SOAP note page footer that states, "Edit your clinic name here", follow these steps:

  1. You will need to know your account number (AKA Your Site number)
  2. Goto Start->Programs->Software Motif->Doc Editor.
  3. Choose File->Open or touch the open file folder on the toolbar.
  4. If this is your first time to run DocEditor, it will probably open, by default looking in the "My Documents" folder.  This is NOT the folder you want to view.
  5. Open E:\Program Files\Chirosoft\Data\[Your site number]\NoteTemplate.rtf
  6. You will see the document opened as in the figure below.
  7. From the dropdown menu, choose Edit->Edit Page Header/Footer.  You will see a dashed line below the header.
  8. Scroll to the bottom of the page.  You will see a dashed line above the footer as well indicating that you can edit the header or footer.
  9. Make changes to the footer as desired and press the save button on the toolbar or File->Save

  10. Your notes are ready for printing.