What is CatchPhrase, and how do I use it?
CatchPhrase™ is a powerful compliment to MyEMR® for Windows. CatchPhrase™ with random text generation allows you to create phrases and boilerplates once, and use them over again in your notes and narratives.
CatchPhrase is accessed by licking the red book icon on the upper right corner next to Documents. Clicking the red book launches CatchPhrase™ as a 'floating' Window that can be moved and positioned anywhere on the screen.
When you launch CatchPhrase, you will see a Category drop-down box and a Drag & Drop Mnemonics box. The Category Drop-down allows you to choose the category. The Drag & Drop Mnemonics are the list of items you can drag and drop into your notes or reports.
You may add as many categories and phrases as you like to CatchPhrase.
Items in CatchPhrase consist of a Mnemonic and a Description. The Mnemonic is what appears in the list under the category. The Description is the text that is displayed when you drag & drop the mnemonic. There can be several iterations for a description allowing CatchPhrase to randomize the text dropped into the note. Additionally, you can define leading and trailing punctuation for the item.
You may sort the mnemonics in a category by clicking an item and using the Sort Mnemonic in Category arrows to move that item up or down in the list.