Clicking the "S" menu item on "SOAP" will bring up the SDubjective Complaints Window. However, there are other Subjective related Windows that are accessed by clicking the 'arrow' to the right of the "S". Some of these items are for both SOAP and Narrative reports, some are only for SOAP notes, and others are for Narrative reports only (see picture below). This article will describe each item and where it is used.
Subjective Complaints are included in both SOAP and Narrative reports. When used in Narrative reports, any "Initial" report template will access the first subjective complaint findings entered for the patient. "Current" and "Final" reports will use the most current subjective complaint findings
The History of Occurrence Window is a free-form page where you can type any patient history. It can be ‘forced’ into a SOAP note by checking the appropriate box on the Documents Window. The same goes for Medical, Family,& Social History tab on the History of Occurrence Window. This allows you to control when you want the information in your notes as you most likely would only use them in an initial note. There are other Windows that only generate in the SOAP when forced. They are all noted with the “§” symbol next to the name.
Only generates in Narrative report templates.
Only generates in Narrative report templates designated as for Auto Accident such as Auto Initial, etc.
Only generates in Narrative reports templates designated as Work Injury.