How do I create new Letter Templates?

You use SmartPad Template Editor to create new letter templates from scratch, edit existing templates, or work with a copy of an existing template to create a new template.

Before you begin, you must know your site number to use SmartPad Template Editor.  For the purpose of this discussion, we will refer to your site number as: [site].

SmartPad Template Editor

To open SmartPad Template Editor:

  1. Login to your MyEMR SaaS account.
  2. Login to the EMR Suite Attendant.
  3. Click Start > All Programs > Software Motif > SmartPad Template Editor.

Inserting Fields

Templates are composed of a combination of typewritten text and merge fields.  Type the text as you would like it to appear, then add the merge fields where needed.  Place your cursor where you want to install the Merge Field. 

To insert merge fields:

  1. Click the Insert menu item then choose Field.
  2. You will see the list of available Categories (see image below). 
  3. Choose a Category to see the available Merge Fields.
  4. Choose the Merge Field and click Insert to insert the field at your cursor.

Creating a new letter template from scratch:

  1. Open SmartPad Template Editor.
  2. Create the template on the blank page by typing in text and inserting Merge Fields.
  3. When finished, click on File > Save As.
  4. Choose your site folder by browsing to E:\Clients\Program Files\Chirosoft\Data\[site]\Common\letter Templates.
  5. Enter a name for the new template.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click File Exit SmartPad

Edit an existing letter template:

  1. Open SmartPad Template Editor.
  2. Click File > Open.
  3. Open your site folder by browsing to E:\Clients\Program Files\Chirosoft\Data\[site]\Common\letter Templates.
  4. Choose the template to edit and click Open.
  5. Edit the template by typing in text and inserting Merge Fields.
  6. When finished, click on File > Save.
  7. Then click File > Exit SmartPad..

Create a new template from an existing template:

There are two (2) methods to create a new template from an existing one.  You can either copy, paste, rename, then edit a template.  Or open an existing template, make changes, and save as a new template.

Method #1 (copy, paste, rename, edit):

  1. Open your site folder by browsing to E:\Clients\Program Files\Chirosoft\Data\[site]\Common\letter Templates.
  2. Right-click a template file, and choose Copy.
  3. Right-click in the folder and choose Paste.
  4. Right-click and choose Rename to rename the copy of the template.
  5. Follow the steps to Edit an existing letter template (above).

Method #2 (Edit an existing template and rename):

  1. Follow steps 1 ~ 5 in Edit existing letter template (above).
  2. When finished, click File > Save As.
  3. Make sure you are in the E:\Clients\Program Files\Chirosoft\Data\[site]\Common\letter Templates folder.
  4. Enter the name for the new template.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click File > Exit SmartPad.