How do I run a Claims Outstanding Report

The Outstanding Claims Report can be run to get a list of claims that have not been paid.  You will run the report twice.  Once for CMS-1500 (paper) claims and once for DiskImage 02/12 (electronic) claims.

Before running the report, you need to determine what range of claims you want to view, based on the number of Days Open.  Not the dates of service.  For example:  over 30 days open; 30 to 90 days open etc. 

Once you know the criteria for the range of days open you are ready to run the report.

Claims Outstanding Report

  1. Click on Tools > Reports > Insurance > Claims Outstanding.
  2. You will see the Select Claims dialog box.
  3. In the Claim Type drop-down, choose either CMS-1500 or DiskImage 02/12.
  4. Use the Days Open boxes to enter the range to view.  For example: Type 30
    in the first box for over 30 days open.  Type 30 in the first box and 90 in the second
    box for  30 to 90 days open.  Type 365 in the second box for 0 to 365 days open.
  5. Type an amount in the first Balance Due box to exclude claims with a $0.00 balance. 
    For example .01 or 1.00.
  6. Uncheck the Limit display to queued claims only checkbox.
  7. Click the Display button to display the report.
  8. Click the Printer icon to print the report.