EMR Datacenter - Ledger Overview

The EMR Datacenter Patient Ledger has a new look* as well as some enhanced features.  To access the Ledger, open a patient file and click the Ledger icon on the left Toolbar.  This will pull up the Find Transactions Window.

Use the Find Transactions Window to select what transactions to view and how to view them.  For example, you may just want to see 'this years'  Insurance transactions.  


Once you click display, the Ledger will load with the transactions that match the criteria entered in the Find Transactions Window.  If you are not viewing ALL transactions, there will be a message in the upper right stating xx of xx transactions Selected.

Below is a sample Ledger and a legend describing the different parts of the Ledger.


1.  Date of Service 11.  On Claim (Y or N)
2.  Entered By (user) 12.  Amount (Insurance or Patient)
3.  Date of Entry 13.  Taxable/City/State Tax
4.  Provider Catalog ID 14.  Diagnosis area
5.  Insurance Payer ID 15.  Search Criteria
6.  CPT code 16.  ∑- Summary of selected transactions
7.  Modifier section 17.  Print Ledger (simple, detail, attorney clean bill)
8.  Description 18.  Claim Properties of selected transactions
9.  Remarks 19.  Edit Receipt
10.  Bill To (P=Patient; #=Payer #) 20.  Refresh Search


 *Please note:  a minimum screen resolution of 1366x768 is required to view the updated Ledger.  Otherwise, the 'legacy' Ledger Window will be displayed.