EMR Datacenter 2020 – How to use the Ledger

The Ledger is used to view transactions for the currently open patient and is launched from the Ledger icon. 

Find Transactions

Using the Find Transactions filters, you may view either ALL or a “snapshot” of the patient’s ledger as well as print the ledger in one of three (3) different formats.

Launching the Ledger brings up the Find Transactions Window.  Click the Display button to view ALL patient transactions for ALL providers.

Optionally, you can use the “Smart Date”, Dropdowns, Check Box and Button feature to view a ‘filtered’ Snapshot of the ledger.  

  1. Provider Dropdown – Use the provider dropdown to filter for individual or ALL providers
  2. Smart Date – Use the Smart Date feature to view a pre-selected date range such as Today, Last Month, This Year, etc.
  3. Custom Date – Allows you to view the ledger for a date range other than the Smart Date. Enter the starting date in the From box and the ending date in the Thru box.
  4. Sort by – Choose the sort option.
    1. Receipt - Will sort by the order the transactions were entered (Date of entry)
    2. Date of Service - Sorts transactions by the date of service
  5. Filter Buttons – These buttons allow the ledger transaction display to be ‘filtered’ for different ‘snapshots’ of the ledger based on the checkboxes selected.
    1. All – Displays All transaction categories for both patient and insurance. (all boxes are checked).
    2. None – Unchecks all the boxes; will not display any transactions. Use this as a starting point to manually choose checkboxes.
    3. Services – Filters for only services entered. The default is both Patient and Insurance boxes checked or uncheck one or the other.
    4. Patient – The default checks ALL patient related boxes and displays only patient-related transactions. Uncheck any category boxes that are not needed.
    5. Insurance - The default checks ALL Insurance related boxes and displays only Insurance related transactions. Uncheck any category boxes that are not needed.
    6. Accounting – Displays all Accounting related transactions for both Patient and Insurance. It does not display the patient or insurance Services.
  6. Check Boxes – The checkboxes allow you to manually “filter” what transactions the Ledger displays. Checked boxes will display the related transactions.  Unchecked boxes will suppress the related transactions.
  7. Display – Click the Display button to display the ledger based on the sort and filter criteria.