You can print the current view of the ledger by clicking the 'Print' icon at the top of the Window.
ALL three (3) printed designs of the ledger are now formatted to fit in either #9 or #10 Double Window envelope when folded using a Z-Fold (see video below). There is a 'dashed' fold-line under the patient name and address to guide where to fold the paper to line up in the windows.
There are three (3) different formats for printing the Ledger: Simple, Detail and Attorney Clean Bill.
The simple ledger report includes only service and payment categories for the current view of the ledger. It contains the dates, quantities, description, amounts and the summary.
If ALL transactions are not included in the view, the report will state: *Not all transactions were selected for display. The summary will not add up to the total account balance.
The detail report includes more detailed information such as the ID and CPT codes of the transactions. It also includes the payer ID if there is a third party payer as well as if the charges are filed on a claim and what is insurance responsibility and/or patient responsibility. The summary is broken down by payer, patient, and total amounts.
The Attorney Clean Bill includes dates, CPT codes, Modifiers, Qty, Descriptions, DX codes, and amounts. The summary breaks down the patient, payer and total amounts due.