How to use SmartSelect for Reports, Letters, and Exports

Defining search criteria for reports, letters, and exports using SmartSelect

With reports such as the Patient Master List report, e-mail exports, or SmartLetters, you will see SmartSelect commonly used throughout EMR Datacenter and MyEMR for Windows.

For example, you may want to print a monthly birthday report of your patients.  To do this, you would select

Tools->Reports->Patient Master List

from the main menu of EMR Datacenter or MyEMR for Windows.  You will then see the SmartSelect dialog box giving you the ability to define a filter (as in Figure 1) and then to sort the results (as in Figure 2).

Establishing the filter criteria

Let's do a sample birthday report for all active patients born in December which is the 12th month.  Note that the first tab, or filter tab, is selected in Figure 1.  Now, click the Personal folder to expand its view.  We want "Active" patients, so double-click on Status in the left box and you will see status in the "Select" column.  Click in the "When" column and you can choose "Like" from the dropdown box.  (We use "Like" when comparing text.  We use "Equal" when comparing numbers.)  Finally, type the word "Active" in the first "Value" column.

Now, we're set to select all active patients, but our goal is to print a birthday report for patients born in December.  So we will add more search criteria.

In the Personal folder on the left, double-click on "Birth Month".  You will see "Birth Month in the "Select" column as in Figure 1 below.  Click in the "When" column and choose "Equal" in the list.  Finally, type the value of "12" for the 12th month in the first "Value" column as in Figure 1 below.  More below...

Figure 1


Establishing the sort criteria

Now that we've filtered active patients born in December, we want to sort the birthdays in order, and then sort patient names within a particular day.  Click the "Sort" tab as shown in Figure 2 below.

From the Personal folder on the left, double click on "Birthday", "Last Name" and "First Name".  The birthday (1-31) will be sorted first, then the last name and first name.  More below...

Figure 2


In the current example of the Patient Master List, you could change the criteria in the birthday report as described to create a patient recall list.  After you complete your filter and sort criteria, when you click "OK", you can also choose to print your reports, create mailing labels, or export to a text file for the purpose of e-mailing patients.  With the search options provided, you can use the reports for a variety of purposes, simply by changing your search criteria.

Another Sample:  Patient recall List

Filter criteria:  Status Like Active; Last Visit Date Less Than 03/01/2015;
Sort criteria:  Last Name; First Name;

Search and Filter Criteria


Account Type
Birth Date (not to be confused with Birth Day)
Birth Month
Birth Day
Birth Year
Date Admitted
Last Name
First Name
Head of Household
ZIP Code


Minimum Due
Past Due
Past Due Date
Insurance Balance
Patient Balance
Total Balance

Visit Information

Last Visit Date (Notice:  This is used heavily for patient recall reports!)

Referral Information

Number of Referrals
Referral Type
Referred By